When the rubber meets the road, which driverless vehicle will take the lead? In the...
What Should Truck Drivers Know About Distracted Driving: New FMCSA regulations prohibit texting and hand-held mobile phone...
It’s a reality in 2018 that when you’re out driving you will see several people...
Volvo Trucks - The Movers is a short film dedicated to the men and women...
(Pictured Above: Fatigue Science offers one of the systems that, based on a variety of...
When Stephanie Klang’s then-husband taught her to drive a truck in 1980, allowing her to...
Desiree Wood closes the hood after conducting a safety inspection on her Kenworth truck in...
Kristina Jackson, a 22-year-old driver based in Raleigh, N.C., is constantly reminded that she’s an...
The U.S. trucking industry is struggling to find interested and qualified drivers to fill tens of...